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Showing posts from September, 2018

Make time for you...

Something I have been learning lately and working harder on doing is to make time for myself. Self care is important, especially when you have many responsibilities in your home. Something so simple as going on an errand by yourself or with a sibling, making yourself some tea and relaxing in bed, reading a book, or taking the time to exercise can help you recharge and be ready to face anything that comes that day with a rejuvenated and joyful spirit. I am not sure who wrote the quote "You cannot pour from an empty cup", but it is so so true! This is true for dads, moms, sisters, and brothers. Sometimes you get too caught up in your to-do list and forget to recharge, but when you do, it really makes the difference in your life! I challenge you today to do something you enjoy to take care of yourself! :) You will most likely feel much more refreshed and better able to serve your family!