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Showing posts from February, 2018

Guest Post from Sisi Roose

Sisi is a wonderful friend and the oldest sister of 12 kids! She runs two ministries: Such A Time (where she encourages young women to serve God in their "such a time" instead of waiting for "one day when...") and The Sibling Project where she and her siblings seek to encourage siblings in their relationships through social media, a book she wrote, and a conference they have each year. I am inspired by all Sisi does, and am so glad she was willing to share with you all! ........... Being the oldest daughter of twelve kids has been suffocating at times, an incredible honor other days, and some days I just felt taken advantage of - trapped in my parents conviction to have so many children. Instead of taking my frustration to God and walking in victory I was wearing a Self-accepted burden and being a victim. Can you imagine if Daniel had that attitude when he was taken to Babylon? He even had reason to feel trapped - he was a prisoner!! Instead he decided to find